The team at Think Orbital continues to expand with the addition of the immensely qualified and directly experienced Lt. Gen. John Shaw, who was one of the first general officers commissioned into the U.S. Space force, having most recently served as the deputy commander of U.S. Space Command. From the August 30th edition of Space News;
The appointment comes as ThinkOrbital, which focuses on space infrastructure, on-orbit services, and manufacturing, seeks to expand its footprint in both commercial and military markets.
“General Shaw has always been a tremendous leader, strategist, scholar, and warfighter,” said Lee Rosen, ThinkOrbital’s co-founder and a retired Air Force colonel. Rosen, who previously served as vice president at SpaceX, noted his long-standing relationship with Shaw dating back to their time as captains at the National Reconnaissance Office.
Shaw has championed the concept of “dynamic space operations,” which envisions satellites capable of actively changing orbits and positions to evade threats, gather intelligence or achieve other objectives.
“ThinkOrbital has a compelling vision and innovative technical approaches to doing many things differently in the space domain — all of which will move us forward as a nation and as a planet,” Shaw said.